On July 10, 2023, within the framework of the PROMENT project, a week of working meetings began at the Vienna University of Technology. The program was packed with activities, featuring new mentoring schemes and productive professional communication with colleagues. The visit participants learned about the historical components of the university's development and its areas of activity. In the 2022/23 academic year, 24 mentoring groups comprising a total of 890 people were organized. The mentoring process is a continuous journey of self-improvement, where both students and mentors benefit: they become more confident, develop soft skills, and ensure active interaction and communication.
Interesting presentations on mentoring support for the development of a barrier-free educational environment took place on the second day of the academic week, within the framework of the PROMENT international project. The Vienna University of Technology has established a student support service that actively cooperates with applicants with special needs. Interesting information about career centers that give students the opportunity to choose a unique educational trajectory, oriented to the needs of employers, even during their studies. The participants are motivated to implement similar changes already in the universities of PROMENT partners.
The third day of the visit within the PROMENT international project. Friendly meetings were held with the international department, which also provides mentoring support to higher education students. This is a real service department that not only supports exchange programs, but also helps plan trips. It is interesting that issues related to gender characteristics during distance learning are also taking into account. Involvement of women in the development of their own careers and facilitation measures to ensure good prerequisites for development are a priority of the university.
The participants had important activities regarding the formation of team deadlines for the timely and appropriate implementation of project initiatives on the fourth day of the academic week. Colleagues from the Vienna University of Technology shared their experience in introducing mentoring and tutoring schemes for students of difficult specialties - mathematics and physics. Especially interesting is the experience of Andreas Koerner, who is one of the best teachers at the university. He teaches mathematics with the possibility of adapting the course to the needs of students. It is important that the requirements and components of the course for first-year students and adults are different - this is the importance of the inclusiveness of higher education, which should be implemented in the HEIs of partner countries.
Final meetings within the study visit regarding the PROMENT project. The morning began with the distribution of responsibilities for the successful implementation of the project. The most difficult stage is ahead in the next six months - the development of educational materials for the launch of a pilot project at partner universities. All project participants are synchronized and now we can fully talk about the mandatory success of future results. There were also pleasant moments of teamwork and presentation of certificates from the Vienna University of Technology. Next meetings, interesting trips and, of course, mentoring support are ahead. Одночасно і найпростіший, і найскладніший п’ятий день: фінальні зустрічі у межах навчального візиту щодо проєкту PROMENT.